Care Notes provide helpful information relative to many of the critical personal issues and challenges of life. They are easily accessible for you or to share with others.


• Grief: What to Expect (pg. 12)             

• The Uniqueness of Grief (pg. 12)

• Common Myths About Grief and Mourning (pg. 14)

• The Needs of Mourning (pg. 13)

• The Forgotten Mourner: Helping Children Grieve (pg.12)

• How Adults Can Help Children in Times of Grief (pg. 12


• Understanding Suicide (pg. 13)

• Ten Most Common Errors in Suicide Intervention (pg. 14)

• Suicide: Social and Theological Issues (pg.14)

• Helping a Suicide Survivor Heal (pg. 14)

• Suicide Postvention (pg. 14)

• Suicide Warning Signs (pg.14)

Disaster Relief

• When Disaster Strikes (pg. 13)

• The Life Cycle of a Disaster (pg. 7)

• The Basis of Crisis Intervention (pg. 12)

• Pain and Possibilities (pg. 13)

• The Ministry of Presence (pg. 12)

Crisis Intervention

Text Goes Here

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

• What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (pg. 13)

• SIDS Fact Sheet (pg. 13)

• How to Distinguish Between SIDS and Child Abuse/Neglect (pg. 13)

• Commonly Asked Questions about SIDS: A Doctor’s Response (pg. 13)

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