Shepherd's Song

Where There is No Vision

Roger Daniel Pro. 29:18: “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he.” This is the verse

Celebrating Christmas

The Charles Dickens story A Christmas Carol is a classic — one that continues to be retold, most recently in 3-D. The central character is a less-than-loveable

From the Mouths of Babes

Roger Daniel When my daughter Carmen was almost 3 years old, we lived in Sacramento, California. At that age she was beginning to explore her

Lottery Winners Who Lost it All

Lots of folks play the lottery with dreams of winning it all. What are the odds of winning? You are more likely to be killed by

Light in Goshen

Roger Daniel As I woke the morning after writing the article, American Idol, the Spirit whispered to me, “Don’t forget Goshen.” I had focused primarily

American Idol

A close examination of the Old Testament texts reveals a familiar pattern in the manner in which God deals with the nations. When God acts