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Shepherd's Song
Roger Daniel

Where There is No Vision

Roger Daniel Pro. 29:18: “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he.” This is the verse

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Shepherd's Song
Roger Daniel

Celebrating Christmas

The Charles Dickens story A Christmas Carol is a classic — one that continues to be retold, most recently in 3-D. The central character is a less-than-loveable

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Shepherd's Song
Roger Daniel

From the Mouths of Babes

Roger Daniel When my daughter Carmen was almost 3 years old, we lived in Sacramento, California. At that age she was beginning to explore her

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Shepherd's Song
Roger Daniel

Light in Goshen

Roger Daniel As I woke the morning after writing the article, American Idol, the Spirit whispered to me, “Don’t forget Goshen.” I had focused primarily

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Shepherd's Song
Roger Daniel

American Idol

A close examination of the Old Testament texts reveals a familiar pattern in the manner in which God deals with the nations. When God acts

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Shepherd's Song
Roger Daniel

No Cash for my Clunker

In the mid 70’s my clunker crashed and I needed to buy a new car. For me, “new” was a late model Oldsmobile Cultlass (the

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