A word of hope and instruction found in the psalm of Micah 7:7-11.

Micah 7:18: “Who is a God like Thee?” This phrase is the embodiment of Micah’s name, which means, “who is like Yah?” The Prophet Micah was a contemporary of Isaiah; his writings bear close resemblance to those of Isaiah in both form and contents.

Micah lived and prophesied during the reign of Hezekiah; he prophesied to Judah, perhaps in Jerusalem itself, before the destruction of Samaria, but also before the reformation of Hezekiah.

The word he has seen from the Lord is one of impending judgment, the overthrow of the nation, the destruction of Jerusalem, the desecration of the temple, and the captivity of Israel.

The spiritual condition of Israel was one of:

Chapter 6 is a “lawsuit oracle” – because it takes the form of a lawsuit. Israel is issued a summons, charges are filed, evidence is presented, a verdict is rendered, and sentence is passed. God is the judge; Israel the defendant – found guilty in the court of heaven.

Micah, as a prophet of the Lord, faithfully announces God’s word to the people without compromise or favor. But he is also a citizen of Israel, and as a man he is greatly distressed at what he sees among his people and what he sees coming upon his homeland. When we reach the last chapter (7), he is distressed that not one godly person can be found among the people (v. 2); they have become ambidextrous at doing evil (v. 3); the best among them are like a thorn bush (v. 4); betrayal is so rampant that not even family can be trusted (v. 5-6).

But as For Me

Micah is not responsible for the sinful corruption that has defiled his nation. He cannot change the minds and hearts of others. He cannot make them do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. He cannot prevent the Babylonian invasion or the destruction of Jerusalem. There is only one thing he can change … himself. So, in the face of idolatrous syncretism, false hope, social injustice, and prevailing evil, he begins to turn things around with these words, “But as for me.”

An Outward Look That Brings Renewal – v. 7

An Upward Look That Brings Reassurance – v. 8

An Inward Look That Brings Repentance – v. 9

A Forward Look That Brings Resolution – v.10

The shepherd/king theme in Micah: 5:2-4; 7:14, 18-19 [v. 18 speaks of God’s mercy; v. 19 speaks of his covenant love].