Sermon Series

Sermon Series

organized as series. They are easily accessible for you or to share with others.

Stability in Our Times

Sermon Series


Stability in Our Times, 1

The more things change, the more they stay the same. But God never changes, and He is always the same. The timeless principles of God’s protection and provision are as true today as they were in Isaiah 33:6.


Stability in Our Times, 3

The waiting room in a doctor’s office is the land where time stands still, and your life is put on hold. Whether it’s waiting for a table in crowded restaurant, waiting for a flight, or waiting in line at Walmart, we don’t like to wait. Yet, waiting on God is the essence of trust and the test of our faith.

Wheat in the Winepress

Sermon Series

The Philippian Perspective

Sermon Series

Run to the Roar

Sermon Series


Run to the Roar (1) Facing up to Vulnerability

Our willingness to own and engage with our vulnerability determines the depth of our courage and clarity of purpose. The level to which we protect ourselves from being vulnerable is the measure of our fear and disconnection.


Run to the Roar (2) Embracing Worthiness

Sometimes we confuse “undeserving” with “unworthy.” The former is true, but what about the latter? Is it true that we have no worth? God doesn’t think so, so why do we?


Run to the Roar (3) Embracing Imperfection

When we spend a lifetime trying to distance ourselves from the parts of our lives that don’t fit with who we think we’re supposed to be, we stand outside our own story and hustle for our worthiness by constantly performing, perfecting, pleasing, and proving. So, why not let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and be who you are?

Knowing His Name

Sermon Series

Toxic Shame

Sermon Series


Toxic Shame: The Lie that Kills, 1

“Shame comes the closest to defining human bondage of all things I know. One of the reasons so many people are caught in binding shame … it has been the hidden culprit. It is time for shame to be exposed for what it is. Most people will admit to guilt, fear, or hurt before admitting to shame.” John Bradshaw


Toxic Shame: Unmasking the Imposter, 2

Discover the difference between biological shame, biblical shame, and binding shame — the on-going premise that one is fundamentally bad, inadequate, defective, unworthy, or not fully valued as a human being.

Joyful Life

Sermon Series

Tremors of the Heart

Sermon Series


Sermon Series

The King’s Poem

Sermon Series

United States of Bayblon

Sermon Series


The United States of Babylon 1

The book of Daniel portrays the life of Jews living in Babylon. Babylon was not their home; not their culture; their language; their names; their values; not their God. It is a picture of kingdoms in conflict – the clash between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. The prevailing tension of Jews whose first responsibility is to God and His kingdom but are living among the Babylonians whose worldview is at every point contrary to theirs. Sound familar?


The United States of Babylon 2

Is it not ironic that in the pseudo-sophistication of America’s high-tech, cosmopolitan culture that the one thing most essential – the only thing that will save this nation – is the very thing that is so despised, dismissed, discounted, and so vehemently opposed by the tireless efforts of those intent upon replacing it with a new world-view that is stripped of common sense, morally bankrupt, bereft of answers, and void of hope – and continues to lead us in grand processional closer and closer to the abyss. Not the first time this has happened.


The United States of Babylon 3

The book of Daniel portrays the life of Jews living in Babylon. At the center of the story are the lives of four young Hebrews – probably teenagers when they were captured – who are conscripted into the service of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon.

In Babylon the goal was to absorb them … to co-opt them … to amalgamate them into a godless society so that God’s people would become indistinguishable from the rest of the world. Political pressure, legal extortion, and military might were used against them.

That is why their story has such a powerful message for us today. Strong currents of pluralism and secularism in contemporary Western society, reinforced by a paralyzing political correctness, increasingly pushing expression of faith in God to the margins, confining it if possible, to the private sphere.

We’re seeing the forceful imposition of a secular culture and anti-Christian belief system to replace traditional values that are in conflict with our nation’s first principles upon which America was built and has been sustained for hundreds of years.

How do we respond? Listen on.


United States of Babylon 4

Resolution … reaction … reliance … resurrection … four key principles for those living in Babylon.

Perfect Peace

Sermon Series

Beyond Blessings

Sermon Series

Iron Chariots

Sermon Series


Sermon Series

Nothing But Christ

Sermon Series

Blessing in Brokeness

Sermon Series

Jesus Messiah

Sermon Series